A Labor of Love {Plano Maternity Newborn and Family Photographer}

Three years ago, I was sitting in the living room of our cute rental house, freshly emigrated from the city to the 'burbs with my husband and our two boys who were 3 years old and 4 months old at the time. One of my close friends had just had their first baby, and I offered to take photos of them as a new family of three...right there in our living room. I'd spent the better part of my past three years as a stay-at-home mom, taking what seemed like a hundred photos a day of my precious boys, so it seemed natural to offer to take photos of her tiny new addition.

BabySam (25).jpg

The mom, my friend Ariel, said, "you know, you should really start a business." I had been taking photos of my friends' families for a while just for fun, but I didn't even know what I could dream of with my hobby that had become such a passion once I entered the world of motherhood.

Late at night a few days later, after what seemed like Asher's millionth night feeding, I took the plunge. I hopped online and bought a domain: www.rachelfriedmanphotography.com. Little did it matter that I had no clue how to build a website - I knew I could figure it out. I spent the better part of July 2015 googling, "how to build your own website" and dozens of variations with all sorts of random follow up questions when the answers seemed to be in a foreign language. 

And with that, my dream was a reality, out there on The Internet. Nevermind that it was far from artfully designed, with a DIY logo and a slew of behind-the-scenes flaws. I was chasing my dream. And you trusted me enough to follow me on this journey. 

Plano newborn and family photographer

So fast forward three years later. Yet another close friend asked me to take photos of her brand new addition, offering to fly me to Atlanta for the occasion. This time, with three years of experience photographing "other people's kids" under my belt, the session certainly went much smoother, and the images are lightyears better than my photos were when I began. What stays the same is the LOVE I have for being able to capture this special time for others. I am truly the luckiest, both to have friends who believe in me no matter where I am along this journey but to get to do what brings me joy every day. 

The other thing that's changed, of course, is my website. As I approached my third anniversary officially in business, I knew it was time to reassess. And I'm so happy that when I was in a fit of exasperation with my old website, I connected with Britt and Kelsey from Launch Your Daydream. They are the incredible duo behind my updated branding and website, and they made this process seamless and as easy as you expect when you're starting back at square one. 

I am so thrilled to welcome you to the new Rachel Friedman Photography website and blog. I invite you to stay a while and explore. And stay tuned, because I'm hoping this blog will be hopping with all sorts of interesting and helpful posts. Enjoy this labor of love :)

